Nonbank Clearing


Median Housing Stock Age by State

Median Housing Stock Age and Population Growth figures by National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB): According to this report, New York state has the highest (oldest) median age of housing stock (62 years old), followed by Rhode Island (58) and Mass. (57). Rounding out the list of states with older housing stock is right here, […]

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Inflation - Thumbnail

What Is Inflation?

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, “inflation” is An act of inflating: a state of being inflated: such as DISTENSION [stretched out as from internal pressure] a hypothetical extremely brief period of very rapid expansion of the universe immediately following the big bang Empty pretentiousness: POMPOSITY A continuing rise in the general price level usually attributed to

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Considerations for a Higher Interest Rate Environment

The idea of the money supply and how its controlled and the players involved never really made sense to me. I hope there is someone who could actually add up where all the money came from and where it went.

This is the one thing I remember from macroeconomics class- lowering interest rates is printing money and raising interest rates is burning money.

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