Nonbank Clearing

New Construction Loan
  • Competitive Terms
  • Construction Specialist
  • Quick Approval
  • Easy Process
  • Mid Project OK
  • For Sale or Rent

Non-bank new construction loans, also known as new construction hard money loans and private homebuilding bridge loans, provide maximum leverage and scalability for investors and homebuilders. We also have delayed purchase bridge and mid project financing.

  • For refi products post completion without seasoning or occupancy, please see DSCR loan

Key Parameters


Private Homebuilding Bridge Loan

  • 12 to 18 month term
  • Interest only payments, no interest on undrawn amounts
  • 80-85% of purchase price of lot or teardown and rehab hard cost including engineering
  • Ground up experience, or at least 2 heavy rehabs completed as an investor, required
  • Bridge refinance and mid-project programs available
  • 680+ FICO. 620-679 FICO with exceptions

Nonbank Clearing Advantages

  • Familiar with homebuilder scenarios and structures
  • Competitive on rates, leverage, service, and handling draws
  • Multiphase development and mid-project financing specialist
  • Quick approval for new spec outside of existing credit lines
  • Accommodate build to sell or build to rent strategy