Nonbank Clearing

  • Compare bank and private lender options
  • Cover wide range of property types
  • Close loans outside of commercial banks

We have private debt and bank loan products available for commercial real estate loans and mixed use loans. The private lenders are bullish on housing, and they don't have the same excitement for commercial. For these loans, the local banks are much more competitive on pricing. The private lender loans would only be used for convenience, speed, or because a bank said no. For mixed use properties that have > 50% of square footage residential, the private loan products open up a bit. Compare bank and nonbank commercial real estate loans with Nonbank Clearing !


Key Parameters


Commercial Real Estate Bank Loan (Term)

  • 20-25 year amo, 5 year fixed rate
  • 1.20-1.30 min DSCR using bank metrics (subtract for vacancy and operating expenses)
  • Full doc – 2 years personal and business tax returns, income and asset verification
  • 70-75 LTV purchase
  • 65-70 LTV refi
  • Real bank

Commercial and Mixed Use > 50% commercial DSCR Loan

  • 30 year fixed, 30 year amo
  • Up to 75 LTV
  • Up to 65 LTV at low fico (sub 680)
  • No DSCR requirement
  • No experience required
  • Automotive, warehouse, and self storage properties OK
  • Must have at least 70% of square footage leased
  • Private lender

Commercial and Mixed Use > 50% commercial Private Bridge Loan

  • 12 or 18 month bridge loan
  • 65% of purchase price + 100% of rehab
  • Experience required
  • Private lender

Mixed Use > 50% residential DSCR Loan

  • 20-25 year amo, 5 year fixed
  • 75 LTV purchase
  • 75 LTV refi
  • Private lender

Mixed Use > 50% residential Private Bridge Loan

  • 12 or 18 month bridge loan
  • 75% of purchase price + 100% of rehab
  • Experience required
  • Private lender

Nonbank Clearing Advantages

  • Compare bank and private lender options
  • Cover wide range of property types including warehouse and automotive
  • We can help close loans that commercial banks are not funding